Develop green hydrogen projects without limits.

Dash Clean Energy enables confident green hydrogen project development through advisory services and an end-to-end risk analysis engine.

Our Solutions

Reliable, Zero Emission Peak Power

Our cutting-edge hydrogen-based power-to-power system delivers reliable peak power at a lower cost than traditional fossil fuel generators.

Peak Saving & Demand Response

Designed for commercial and industrial customers, our solution provides lower utility bills, improved reliability during power outages, and increased net-metering of renewable energy to the grid.

Hydrogen Fueling Stations

Our on-site electrolysis, storage, and fueling system provides a reliable and low-cost source of hydrogen for small fleets.

The HydroDATUM Engine - an intuitive business tool.

  • Cost-effectively strategize your go-to-market hydrogen strategy.

  • Understand how green hydrogen can support long-duration storage opportunities.

  • Calculate the operational and safety impacts of switching to green hydrogens, including production efficiency, uptime, reliability, and maintainability.

  • Access easy-to-use data analytics and modeling tool to provide a tangible ROI for new green hydrogen projects.

  • Evaluate the risk and ROI of on-site hydrogen generation vs. delivered services.

Our Affiliates

Powerful green hydrogen risk analysis engine.

We provide fully integrated, end-to-end hydrogen project risk analysis tools for utility-scale renewable energy projects.

We bring experience & knowledge in green hydrogen that few others have.


As the renewable energy industry has grown and evolved in recent years, the need for long-duration, flexible storage solutions have become evident. 

Dash Clean Energy was born out of a group of like-minded clean energy professionals who see the potential of hydrogen energy as a solution to decarbonizing our planet. 

With decades of frontline experience in building utility-scale renewable energy projects, our team has the knowledge required to build complex, capital-intensive projects.

Our team is equipped to handle each stage of these projects, including project development, through financing, construction, operations, and asset management.

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